Department of Applied Arts and Design

Five year Restoration course

PFP1 Course: Stone materials and stone by-products. Decorated architectural surfaces

The Five year Restoration course leads  the student to obtain a Second Level Academic Diploma qualifying for the professional status of cultural heritage restorer.

The Course is currently represented by the training profile PFP1 - Stone materials and their by-products. Decorated architectural surfaces.

The study plan includes a number of common  historical-artistic courses and technical-scientific ones, together with specific laboratory and workshop courses relating to the three professional profiles. This ensures the student a thorough preparation to obtain the necessary skills in order to take the final qualifying exam.

Core disciplines

Basics of Chemistry applied to Restoration | History of Ancient Art | Basics of Physics applied to Restoration | Natural and Cultural Heritage | Drawing for restoration | Photography for Cultural Heritage | Techniques in marble and semi precious stones for restoration | Basic IT skills | History of Medieval Art | History and Theory of Restoration 1 | Restoration of stony materials 1 | Cultural Heritage legislation |Design and Evaluation of Cultural Heritage | Basics of Biology applied to Restoration | Mosaic and stone covering techniques for restoration | Wall painting techniques for restoration | IT for restoration | Digital modeling techniques | History of Modern Art | Technologies of Materials for Restoration | Wall painting restoration 1 |Molding techniques for restoration | Chemistry applied to Restoration | Plaster and stucco restoration 1 | History of contemporary art | Building site health and safety legislation | History of Architecture | Mineralogy | English for  communication  Arts 1 | Diagnostics | Conservation issues of contemporary art | Restoration of stone materials 2 | Plaster and stucco restoration 2 | Restoration of mosaics and stone coverings | Wall painting restoration 2 | Museology | Methods of handling works of art  | English for communication Arts 2 | Diagnostics 2 | Restoration of contemporary wall paintings | History of artistic techniques

Every year the School takes in 10 students for each academic specialization after passing the admission tests. The test include a graphic design test, common to all profiles, a profile-specific aptitude test and a general knowledge test. For specific information on admissions please contact the Student Administration Office.

The multiple choice theoretical test includes a common section of general culture concerning art history, natural sciences (chemistry, biology, physics, earth sciences) and English language, and a specific section for each profile chosen. To pass this test, we recommend consulting the suggested bibliography (Annex 1).

The drawing test, as with all profiles, consists in the graphic transposition of an artistic artefact, or part of it, conducted by means of a photographic reproduction. The drawing must be done with a black graphite pencil, in linear stroke and without chiaroscuro, in a reproduction in scale (to be established) with respect to the format of the photograph (Annex 2).

The plastic aptitude test, specific for PFP1, consists in the copy in plasticine, in 1:1 scale, of a plaster model supplied to each candidate.

The test is multiple choice, divided into two sections:


  • General Art History: 20 questions
  • Nature sciences (chemistry, biology, physics): 10 questions
  • Questions in English: 10 questions


  • 20 specific questions relating to the PFP1 sector
  • 20 specific questions relating to the PFP2 sector
  • 20 specific questions relating to the PFP5 sector


  • Bertelli Carlo, Briganti Giuliano, Giuliano Antonio, Storia dell’Arte italiana per le scuole superiori,  Mondadori Bruno Scolastica (o analogo manuale di scuola superiore)
  • Appunti per un Manuale di Storia e di Teoria del Restauro. Dispense per gli Studenti Collana Storia e Teoria del Restauro, di Marco Ciatti, 2009, Edifir



  • Atkins, Jones, Fondamenti di chimica generale, Zanichelli Editore
  • Matteini, Moles, La chimica nel restauro, Nardini editore
  • AA. VV. Chimica per l’Arte, Feltrinelli, Milano
  • G. Caneva, M.P. Nugari, O. Salvatori (a cura di), La biologia vegetale per i Beni Culturali, vol.I, Nardini editore, Firenze 2005



  • AA.VV. Restauro del marmo: opere e problemi, Quaderni dell’Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Opus Libri, 1986
  • AA.VV., Materiali lapidei, Bollettino d’Arte supplemento al n. 41 (1987)
  • AA.VV., I colori del bianco. Policromia nella scultura antica, De Luca Editori d’Arte, Roma, 2004
  • L. Borgioli, Polimeri di sintesi per la conservazione della pietra, Il Prato, Padova 2002
  • G. Caneva, M.P. Nugari, O. Salvatori (a cura di), La biologia vegetale per i Beni Culturali, vol.I, Nardidi editore, Firenze 2005



  • F.Frezzato (a cura di), Cennino Cennini - Il libro dell'arte, Neri Pozza 2009
  • Corrado Maltese (a cura di), Materiali per la pittura. Preparazione e finitura delle opere pittoriche. Materiali e metodi. Preparazione e imprimiture, leganti, vernici, cornici, Mursia, Milano 1993
  • Daphne De Luca, I manufatti dipinti su supporto tessile. Vademecum per allievi restauratori, Il Prato 2015
  • AA. VV, Painted Wood: History and conservation, Getty Conservation Institute, 1994
  • Giuseppina Perusini, Il restauro dei dipinti e delle sculture lignee. Storia, teorie e tecniche, Del Bianco editore, 2004



  • Corrado Maltese, Le tecniche artistiche, Ed. Mursia 1973-1987 (da approfondire i seguenti argomenti: Disegni, Le prime manifestazioni grafiche. Il disegno su pergamena e su carta, Il pastello, Incisione e Stampa, Caratteri generali, La Xilografia e la Linografia, L’incisione su rame, L’incisione diretta e l’incisione indiretta della lastra metallica, la Litografia)
  • Lorenzo Baldacchini, Il libro antico, 2 ed. Carocci, Roma 2001 (cenni sulla storia del libro e della stampa)
  • Enrico Pedemonte (a cura di), La carta. Storia, produzione, degrado e restauro, Marsilio 2008 (capitoli relativi alla storia e alla fabbricazione della carta)
  • Carla Casetti Brach (a cura di), Gli itinerari della carta. Dall’oriente all’occidente: produzione e conservazione, Gangemi Editore, Roma 2010
  • S. Berselli, L. Gasparini, L'archivio fotografico. Manuale per la conservazione e la gestione della fotografia antica e moderna, Zanichelli 2000 (con particolare riferimento ai capitoli 3,4,5,6,7,9,10)

Future Employment prospects

  • Institutions of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities responsible for the protection of cultural heritage (supervisory bodies, museums, archaeological areas and parks, monumental buildings etc)
  • Public and private research institutions operating in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage
  • Laboratories, companies and professional organizations in the sector

Study plan


A.Y. 2023/2024


Bibliografia consigliata