Enabling Courses 24 CFA for FIT

Teaching Training

24 CFA for FIT - Initial training and internship A.Y. 17-18


To be completed and sent to percorso24cfa@accademiadibrera.milano.it

Those who intend to acquire the 24 credits to access the FIT Competition must submit a pre-registration request by filling in and sending the form of pre-registration at the bottom of the page duly completed and signed by e-mail to percorso24CFA@accademiadibrera.milano.it

Subsequently, he / she will have to complete the registration by registering in the online Didactic Secretariat of the Accademia di Brera. All details will be communicated later.

In the pre-registration form, you must indicate in particular the data relating to:

  • Educational qualifications achieved
  • Entity from which they were obtained and year of achievement
  • Exams taken for which recognition is required for the purpose of acquiring the 24 credits required for access to the FIT Competition
  • Courses for which enrollment is evaluated for the purpose of completing the 24 credits, selected from the courses in activation at the Accademia di Brera.

Credits can be acquired:

  • in curricular form - through the recognition of credits corresponding to training activities included in the study plan of the I and II level diploma / degree course as well as First and Second level university or Academic Masters, Research Doctorates and Schools of specialization, as long as they are consistent with the expected training objectives.
  • in additional form - corresponding to training activities carried out in addition to those provided for in the study plan of the First and Second Level diploma / degree course;
  • in extracurricular form - achieved by those who have already graduated / graduated by enrolling in the specific activated FIT training course.

It is advisable to send the pre-registration form by 15th of November.

Registrations will be possible starting from the 9th of January, according to the procedures indicated in the Competition published below, in the updates of 4-1-2018

It is recommended to register as soon as possible to activate your online profile and avoid last-minute problems, to reserve a moment after registration in the Fit training course and the preparation of the study plan to be carried out by 21-1-2018.

We remind you that the training courses organized by the Accademia di Brera for the acquisition of 24 credits are valid for the Competition Classes A-01, A-02, A-03, A-04, A-05, A-06, A-07, A-08, A-09, A-10, A-14, A-16, A-17, A-61, A-62.

Please read the summary table of the requests for pre-registration / recognition of credits acquired in previous training courses in order to obtain the 24 credits for access to the Fit Competition.

The evaluation criteria used for recognition are reported in the Call, so it is advisable to read them. The specific comment for each is reported in the notes column.

The table is published in PROVISIONAL FORM. Anyone who finds inaccuracies with respect to their request is requested to communicate it as soon as possible exclusively by e-mail to the address Percorso24CFA@accademiadibrera.milano.it


We inform you that the Commission for FIT courses is working on processing the pre-enrollment requests received. There will still be a few days of waiting given the numerous adhesions and the complexity of the individual situations to be analyzed.

While waiting to be able to give definitive indications on the registration procedures, we anticipate some priority points.

As previously specified, the Courses will be activated in the afternoon / evening and on Saturday. They will start after mid-January and end in April.

Regarding the Certifications for obtaining the 24 credits valid for access to the FIT Competition

PLEASE NOTE as expressly provided for by the sector legislation (Legislative Decree 59/17 and Ministerial Decree 616/17) and pointed out by the Circular prot. n. 32688 for the AFAM sector and by Circular prot. n. 29999 for the University sector prepared by the Ministry of Education, University and Research, to obtain the recognition of credits obtained in previous training courses at other institutions, whether the single final Certification is requested from the Accademia di Brera, or intends to attend the courses for the completion of the 24 credits, the certification of the credits already acquired issued by the institutions of origin must be produced.
This certification must be issued pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 59/2017 of art. 5, c. 1, letter b) and c. 2, letter b), and of the D.M. n. 616/2017, art. 3, and must report:
name of the discipline, code of the disciplinary sector (SAD - SSD), number of credits (CFA - CFU), grade, educational objectives and / or program of the course.
The certification produced will then be received by the Accademia di Brera which will thus be able to certify the achievement of credits in the final single certification.
Only in this way will it be possible to validate the credits acquired in the different training contexts.

Those who have applied for Certifications to the Accademia di Brera are informed that:

For obvious reasons, priority will be given to the certifications required by those who complete the training course at other institutions.

Subsequently, the certifications will be produced for those who have already acquired all 24 credits in their previous training courses and need the final single certification pursuant to Ministerial Decree 616/17. This certification will then be useful for participation in the FIT Competition.

Pedagogy - ABST 59

  • Pedagogy and art teaching (50 hours, 6 credits)
  • Education technologies (50 hours, 6 credits)


Psychology - ABST 58

  • Theory of perception and psychology of form (50 hours, 6 credits)
  • Psychology of art (50 hours, 6 credits)


Anthropology - ABST 55

  • Cultural Anthropology (50 hours, 6 credits)
  • Anthropology of art (50 hours, 6 credits)


Didactic Methodologies and Techniques - ABST 59

  • Didactics of artistic languages (75 hours, 6 credits)
  • Multimedia teaching (75 hours, 6 credits)


Please note that at least six credits must be acquired in at least three of the aforementioned disciplinary fields and that the remaining six credits can be acquired indifferently in one of the four fields chosen by the candidate.


Bando Percorso 24CFA per FIT

A.A. 2017/2018


A.A. 2017/2018

Tabella riconoscimenti 24CFA per FIT

A.A. 2017/2018

Dichiarazione sostitutiva della Certificazione Titoli di Studio

Modulo autocertificazione

Circolare prot. n. 32688 per il comparto AFAM

Circolare prot. n. 29999 per il comparto Università

Required forms

Richiesta di preiscrizione - 24CFA per FIT

Richiesta di riconoscimento 24CFA per FIT

Per gli iscritti all'Accademia di Brera

Richiesta di riconoscimento parziale 24CFA per FIT