Teaching qualification Percorso 24CFA

Teaching training

Percorso24CFA for access to teaching. Recognition 24CFA.

It is possible to download the RECOGNIZED DISCIPLINES LIST in the "Documentation" section at the bottom of the page.

For the activation of the Percorso24CFA, the ministerial provisions for the 2020/2021 academic year are awaited.

For the purposes of recognizing the 24 CFA acquired in previous training courses, you can request them by sending the attached forms below, to the e-mail address Percorso24CFA@accademiadibrera.milano.it

Please note that you can obtain recognition of credits obtained in curricular, additional or extra-curricular form under Legislative Decree 59/2017 and according to the definition of D.M. 616/2017 art. 1, letter m), n) or):

  • Curricular Credits are defined as credits acquired through training activities in the curriculum of courses I and II Level Diploma;
  • Additional Credits are credits acquired through training activities carried out in addition to those of the Level I and II curriculum;
  • Extra-Curricular Credits are defined as credits obtained within postgraduate, master's, advanced courses or individual courses.



Attendance of the Percorso24CFA courses, with relative credits, requires a fee of 125 Euro for every course, in addition to a 30 Euro registration fee that is a reimbursement of administrative and secretarial expenses.

Candidates with disabilities, those with a recognized handicap condition (in accordance to art.3 of the L. 104/1992) as well as those with a disability condition equal to or greater than 66%, are exempt from any payment of registration fees. To take advantage of the exemption, the interested parties must produce the district medical certificate that ascertains the status and degree of invalidity or handicap condition.

At the end of the Percorso24CFA, and upon reaching the 24 course credits, the Accademia di Belle Arti will issue the  Single Final Certification  necessary participating in the state qualifying exam. It will certify the achievement of objectives, the exam marks and the course credits acquired, including the credits obtained in previous activities and certified by the providing institutions , in accordance to the Decree Law 59/2017, art.5 paragraph 1 letter b and paragraph 2 letter b.

For those students still enrolled in academic or university courses the Single Final Certification as set down in D.M 616/17 Art.3 paragraph 6, can be issued following the Second Level Academic qualification or the Master’s Degree Course (the qualifications required for teaching) exclusively from the last institution where the exams for the 24 Credits will be taken.

It should be noted that the recognition of credits obtained in previous courses and in other institutions must be carried out by those institutions by means of a Preliminary Recognition Certificate. It is kindly requested therefore to check the procedures in place at your alma mater.

The Accademia di Brera fully acknowledges the Certificates of other institutions. PLEASE NOTE however, that the credits will not be integrated in the Single Final Certificate in absence of the Preliminary recognition certificate.

For all information on the Percorso24CFA and access to teaching Tel. 02.86955326 from 12.00 to 14.00 from Monday to Friday



For recognition requests:




D.Lgs. 13 aprile 2017, n. 59, Riordino, adeguamento e semplificazione del sistema di  formazione iniziale e di accesso nei ruoli di docente  nella  scuola  secondaria per renderlo funzionale alla valorizzazione sociale e culturale della professione, a norma dell'articolo 1, commi 180 e  181,  lettera  b), della legge 13 luglio 2015, n. 107. (17G00067)

L. 30 dicembre 2018, n. 145 (commi dal 792 al 796) Riportante modifiche al D.Lgs. 59/2017

D.M. n. 616 del 10 agosto 2017, Modalità acquisizione dei crediti formativi universitari e accademici di cui all’art. 5 del decreto legislativo 13 aprile 2017 n. 59

Allegati A-B-C del D.M. n. 616/2017

Circolare AFAM PROT. N. 32688 DEL 17-11-2017 - Chiarimenti in merito all'acquisizione dei "24 crediti formativi accademici" di cui all'art. 5 lettera b) del Decreto Legislativo n. 59/2017 e all'art. 3 del Decreto Ministeriale n. 616/2017



D.M. n. 259 del 9 maggio 2017, Decreto di revisione e aggiornamento della tipologia delle classi di concorso per l’accesso ai ruoli del personale docente della scuola secondaria di primo e secondo grado previste
dal DPR n. 19/2016

DECRETO DEL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA 14 febbraio 2016, n. 19  - Regolamento recante disposizioni per la razionalizzazione ed accorpamento delle classi di concorso a cattedre e a posti di insegnamento, a norma dell'articolo 64, comma 4, lettera a), del decreto-legge 25 giugno 2008, n. 112, convertito, con modificazioni, dalla legge 6 agosto 2008, n. 133.



Forms required