Due to the Covid-19 emergency, thesis discussions take place, until new communications, at a distance via the G Suite for Education platform.
The thesis papers, the abstract and the CD must not be delivered to the Didactic Secretariat but, for the moment, remain in the possession of the student.
Each student must submit their thesis in digital format to the Examining Commission through the supervisors.
With regard to the methods of conducting the discussion and presenting their work, each student must in time contact the speakers in order to define them.
The Commission will forward, on the day of the discussion, the link necessary for the connection via Google Meet.
Therefore, please check the correctness of your e-mail address ( present in the calendars in order to receive all communications.
In case of inaccuracies, write to:
1. Final test and thesis
At the end of the course, after passing all the exams as set out in the study plan and the eligibility tests required, the student takes a final test, made up of a presentation of a project and a discussion of a thesis developed within one of the subjects studied. Students attain course credits for the final test and the preparation of the thesis, as set out in the study plan presented in the first year of the course.
2. Thesis requirements
The subject of the project and the preliminary thesis title, which do not have to be necessarily correlated, must be indicated in the specific request form for the exam, to be submitted to the secretariat by the 20th of December or the 10th of April* of the third year of course enrollment The request form must include the signatures of the thesis supervisor and the project supervisor. Those students who submit the request by the 10th of April deadline will not be eligible to partecipate in the summer session. The subject of the project and the nature of the final papers are agreed on with a teacher of a laboratory/workshop discipline. The subject and the title of the thesis are agreed on, falling within a range of topics indicated at the beginning of every year, with the teacher who is the thesis supervisor and who must also be a teacher of a theoretical discipline. The student must have taken at least one exam with both teachers throughout the three year course.
The thesis must not be less than 40 sheets containing 1,500 letters each, and must have references in the footnotes and a bibliography drawn up according to academic humanistic research standards. The project papers must reflect professional presentation standards and may also be accompanied by a short written report.
Please note that the thesis, to be submitted by the set deadlines, must be the final version, signed by the teachers, thermally bound and with a hard cover.
Students should take the necessary steps to prepare three copies, one of which will be submitted to the secretariat (to be returned during the thesis discussion) and a CD which will be submitted to the library for the archives.
* For the Academic Year 2019-2020, due to the health emergency, the deadlines for submitting the form have been extended to a later date.
3. Final Test Admission Terms and Conditions
Students must have passed all the tests of eligibility/qualifying examinations and exams as required by the study plan in order to be admitted to the final test. It is possible to comply with exam requirements by taking any missing exams in the same session in which you present yourself for the final test. One month before submitting the thesis to the secretariat, the course coordinator checks with the supervisor if the level of progress of the work to date allows the student to reserve his final test. The due dates for the papers are mandatory. The thesis must be submitted in all its parts, countersigned by the supervisor and the course coordinator. At the time of discussion, the Degree Board will verify the correspondence between the copy deposited to the secretariat and the copies presented to the Degree Board. Any differences will lead to the exclusion of the student from the final test.The papers will be presented to the Degree Board at the final test. The thesis must be submitted to the secretariat by attaching a 2 page long abstract, (1,500 letters per page), on the subject, providing the selected bibliography together with the thesis confirmation form.
4. Deadlines and calendars
The project papers will be submitted to the Degree Board during the final test.
A copy of the thesis must be submitted to the secretariat, together with the CD and the abstract, 15 days before the start of the thesis session.
The thesis confirmation form with the student’s record book must be submitted no later than:
- the 10th of June for the summer session;
- the 10th of October for the fall session;
- the 10th of February for the winter session.
In the event that the 10th falls on a Sunday, the deadline is postponed until the following Monday. The discussion of the final exam will take place according to the timetable as published on the website. There is a set limit of 10 candidates to be examined on each day.
5. Degree Board and Final Mark
The Degree Board is chaired by the Director, or a delegate on his behalf, and is made up of the course coordinator, the thesis supervisor, the project supervisor and at least one teacher of those disciplines included in the student’s study plan.The final mark, out of one hundred and ten, is equal to the mathematical average of the marks attained in the exams, including a potential increase of up to ten points awarded by the Degree Board. Honors (cum Laude) are awarded unanimously and applied only if the thesis student has a starting mark of at least 104 before discussing his thesis, and has attained a mark of at least 30/30 in the specialized subject or in a main subject. Finally, students are reminded of the importance and the role of decorum of the final test. Suitable behavior and clothing are therefore recommended.
Students can find example copies of thesis covers and CDs at the bottom.
1. Final Test and Thesis
At the end of the course, after passing all the exams as set out in the study plan, the student takes a final test, made up of a presentation of a project and a discussion of a thesis developed within one of the subjects studied during the Two-Year course. Students attain course credits for the final test and the preparation of the thesis, as set out in the study plan presented in the first year of the course.
2. Thesis requirements
The subject of the project and the preliminary thesis title, which do not have to necessarily be correlated, must be indicated in the specific request form for the exam, which must be submitted to the secretariat by the 20th of December or the 10th of April* of the second year of enrollment. The request form must include the signatures of the thesis supervisor and at least one project supervisor. The project is the result of a final synthesis studio that includes several laboratory courses and is outlined at the beginning of the second academic year. The subject and the title are agreed on, falling within a range of topics indicated at the beginning of every year, with the teacher-cum-supervisor, who must teach a theoretical discipline. The student must have taken at least one exam with the supervisor over the two year course. The thesis must not be less than 100 sheets, 1,500 letters per sheet, and must have references in the footnotes and a final bibliography drawn up to academic humanistic research standards. The project papers must reflect professional presentation standards and may also be accompanied by a short written report.
Please note that the thesis, to be submitted by the set deadlines, must be the final version and include a hard cover and be thermally bound.
Students should take the necessary steps to prepare three copies, one of which will be submitted to the secretariat (to be returned to the student during the thesis discussion), and a CD which will be submitted to the library for archive purposes.
* For the Academic Year 2019-2020, due to the health emergency, the deadlines for submitting the aforementioned form have been extended to a later date.
3. Final Test Admission Terms and Conditions
Students must have passed all the exams as required by the study plan in order to be admitted to the final test. It is possible to comply with exam requirements by taking any pending exams in the same session in which you present yourself for the final test.
One month before submitting the thesis to the secretariat, the course coordinator checks with the supervisor if the level of progress allows the student to reserve the final test. The deadlines for the papers are mandatory. The thesis must be submitted in all its parts, countersigned on the title page by the supervisor and the course coordinator. At the time of discussion, the Degree Board will verify the correspondence between the copy deposited in the secretariat and the copies presented to the Degree Board. Any differences will lead to the exclusion of the student from the final test. The papers will be presented to the Degree Board during the final test. The thesis must be submitted to the secretariat, together with the thesis request form and a 2 page long abstract (1,500 letters per page) on the subject together with the selected bibliography.
4. Deadlines and calendars
The project papers will be submitted to the Degree Board during the final test.
The thesis must be submitted to the secretariat, together with the CD and the abstract 15 days, at the latest, before the start of the thesis session.
The thesis confirmation form with the student’s record book must be submitted no later than:
- the 10th of June for the summer session
- the 10th of October for the fall session
- the 10th of February for the winter session.
In the event that the 10th falls on a Sunday, the deadline is postponed until the following Monday. The discussion of the final test will take place according to the timetable as published on the web site. There is a set limit of 10 candidates per day.
5. Degree Board and Final Mark
The Degree Board is chaired by the Director, or a delegate on his behalf, and is made up the course coordinator, the thesis supervisor, the project supervisor and at least two teachers of disciplines found within the study plan. The final mark, expressed out of 110, is equal to the mathematical average of the marks attained in the exams, including a potential increase of up to 10 marks awarded by the Board. Honors (cum laude) are awarded unanimously and applied only if the thesis student has a starting mark of 104 before the discussion of the thesis and has attained a mark of at least 30/30 in the specialized or main subject.
Finally, students are reminded of the importance and the role of decorum of the final test. Suitable behavior and clothing are therefore recommended.
Students can find example copies of thesis covers and CDs at the bottom.
AS SET OUT IN THE MINISTERIAL DECREE DATED 26TH OF MAY 2009, N.87, art.6 “the final exam of the training courses is organized by the institute and is divided into two tests, one of an applicative nature, consisting in a practical laboratory work, and one of a theoretical methodological nature, consisting in the discussion of a written paper. In the event the first test is not passed, the candidate can repeat the exam in the following session” AND WITH REFERENCE TO THE GENERAL INFORMATION IN THE MINISTERIAL NEWSLETTER “ABA REGULATIONS FOR THE FINAL EXAM SCHOOLS OF RESTORATION” (rev. G. Cassese 4th of June 2014).
The second session in March-April.
The Degree Board will be able to ask specific questions concerning the methods applied in order to evaluate the candidate’s knowledge and skills in dealing with a restoration intervention in all its phases.
The practical papers, that is the restoration works which are the subject of the thesis, must be completed before the discussion, any exemption to this rule is at the discretion of the supervisor and the internal Board.
The supervisor whose task it is to follow the candidate in the preparation of the first test must be a teacher of a technical restoration discipline at the Accademia, and must meet the requirements as set down in the Ministerial Decree 87/2009 ex art 5 and, given that the final qualifying exam, even if divided into two tests, is in fact one, will have this coordination role even if there are additional supervisors in the second test, based on the specific disciplines and professional skills. There will be internal and external assistant supervisors for both the first and second tests, defined in agreement with the thesis coordinator.
The final exam, consisting of both tests, is attributed with 12 credits as set out in the study plan and a mark out of ten which contributes to the final mark of the course. The institute takes the necessary steps to issue comfortable certification.
The subject of the thesis and its assignation must be agreed to with the supervisor and assistant supervisors at least one year before the completion of studies, therefore by the end of the fourth year.
The subject of the thesis must be identified in a specific list of topics put forward by teachers and published on the Accademia’s website. It is updated on an annual basis by the end of the first semester.
The relevant reference teacher decides the assignation of the subjects. His decision is irrevocable.
The inclusion of subjects put forward by the teachers is based on didactic projects and works already in esse, with the necessary legal authorizations or in any case planned; in the latter case, any red-tape procedures must be activated together with the direct participation of the graduating student immediately after the assignation of the subject.
Students can put forward subjects independently if they have a specific and unique didactic and/or scientific focus and in any case are subject to the irrevocable decision of the Degree Board. They must be put forward in a project work accompanied by an abstract/report no later than the beginning of the 4° academic year.
If the students’ proposal is authorized, the student should bear in mind that the time required may be considerably longer due to red tape procedures necessary for activating agreements or external apprenticeships.
Times and procedures for carrying out restoration activities must be agreed to with the teaching coordinating supervisor, who in some cases, may request the completion or verification of works before signing the submission of the final paper form.
Following the assignation of the subject, the student must draw up and submit a work plan including a preliminary table of contents by the end of the second semester of the 4° academic year (May), to the relevant reference teacher/supervisor
The subject and the title of the two tests must be indicated in the request form for the exam, to be submitted to the secretariat approximately nine months before the thesis discussion session (first: October-November, second: March-April), countersigned by the coordinating supervisor and by any other additional supervisor and assistant supervisor.
Students are required to perform two reviews during the nine months, presenting the finished chapters to be corrected to their reference teachers (supervisors and assistant supervisors) in order to ensure constant supervision. The complete draft must be submitted for final correction 45 days before the discussion date. The dates of these reviews are subject to prior agreement with the reference teacher and must be complied to..
The coordinating supervisor is responsible for granting final approval of both documents that make up the qualifying test. They must be in impeccable Italian.
The two tests must be presented in two distinct volumes together with the relevant reference abstract.
Students must submit a digital copy (PDF on DVD or CD) of the final thesis work 21 days before the discussion date.
The thesis request and confirmation (forms 1 and 2 in the attachment) for the diploma exam must be submitted to the Didactic Secretariat by downloading the attached online models and complying to the set times.
1. THESIS REQUEST FORM. The form must be submitted to the Didactic Secretariat nine months before the thesis session:
2. THESIS CONFIRMATION FORM. The form must be submitted to the Didactic Secretariat approximately two months before the thesis session:
The forms must be submitted to the Secretariat with the signature of the supervisor and of any assistant supervisor for the first and second tests. The signing of the thesis confirmation form certifies that the thesis has been approved and the practical project has been examined.
Forms must have all the necessary signatures in order to be accepted. The Director of the School validates and authorizes the thesis request. Students must have their payment of taxes and contributions in order for every year of enrolled studies in order to submit a request.
The following documents must be submitted together with the thesis confirmation form: