Teaching qualification 24 CFA - Access to competitions

Teaching training

24 CFA Access to the competition for qualification and admission to teaching roles A.Y. 19-20

Following new ministerial directives, in order to allow the completion of the 24 credits for access to the competition for qualification to teach in secondary schools according to the legislation in force, and obtain the Single Final Certification.

The deadlines for registering for SINGLE COURSES have reopened: registration will be possible from Monday 18th to Thursday 28th of February 2019

We remind you that the training credits acquired with the courses of the Accademia di Brera for the purpose of acquiring the 24 credits are valid for the Competition Classes A-01, A-02, A-03, A-04, A-05, A-06, A-07, A-08, A-09, A-10, A-14, A-16, A-17, A-61, A-62

To register for single courses, the following procedures must be followed:

Anyone who does not have access credentials must:

  1. register your profile in the online secretariat of the Accademia di Brera through the appropriate "Student registration"  link predisposto on the homepage of the institutional website
  2. subsequently, by accessing your profile, register for the 2019/2020 academic year by choosing the "Single courses" option and entering the courses chosen.

Those who already have access credentials because they have followed study courses in Brera in the past can directly access their profile and carry out step n. 2).


The student must submit the documentation listed below (Self-certification of Degree) through the online procedure from his / her online profile (enter the relevant documents at each menu item).

Application form printed from your profile on the online Secretariat, complete with passport photo

Receipt of Government taxes € 72.67 (postal order 1016)


Please Note: the insertion of the courses for the acquisition of the 24 CFA is possible at any time. There are no particular deadlines to respect except those relating to the beginning of the courses you intend to attend.

It is possible to request the inclusion of courses both in the first and in the second semester, as well as in the first or subsequent years.

For the purpose of acquiring the 24 CFAs for access to the Competition for teaching qualification, students enrolled in the diploma courses of the Accademia di Brera of Fine Arts can integrate their educational path with any additional exams, i.e. in excess of respect to the exams of their study plan, at no additional cost. Those who will include additional disciplines in their study plan for the purpose of acquiring the 24 CFA, may, if they wish, take advantage of an additional semester to the normal duration of their studies. The additional semester also has no additional costs.

To ask the Evaluation Committee for recognition of the exams already taken and to include in the study plan the disciplines necessary to complete the 24 CFA, it is necessary to fill in the form downloadable at this link and send it to the email antoniaiurlaro@ababrera.it

For information, please contact Antonia Iurlaro at the Departments Offices on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, after 4.30pm by phone at 02.86955326, or by e-mail antoniaiurlaro@ababrera.it

Those who have already completed their studies at the Accademia di Brera or at other institutions and must integrate the exams taken to reach the 24 CFAs for access to the competition for teaching qualification, can use the normal registration procedure for Single courses active at the Accademia di Brera of Fine Art, according to the methods indicated on this page: Enrollment Procedure for Single Courses, for which the payment of fees is required as described on this page: Fees, taxes and financial contributions for Single Courses

PLEASE NOTE: registration for single courses is possible from September 30th to October 25th

At the moment the following list of disciplines is made available to which it is possible to enroll as single courses for the purpose of acquiring the 24 CFA.

Any possible variation will be promptly updated.


  • Cultural anthropology
  • Anthropology of art
  • Archetypes of the imaginary


  • Psychology of art
  • Theory of perception and psychology of form


  • Pedagogy and didactics of the Art
  • Technologies of education


  • Multimedia teaching
  • Didactics for the museum
  • Didactic methodologies of audiovisual languages
  • Didactics of artistic languages

To obtain the recognition of the credits acquired in the study paths already completed, the appropriate form must be completed and sent by e-mail to antoniaiurlaro@ababrera.it at the bottom of the page:

  • Request for final certification of the 24 CFA
  • Request for certification of partial recognition

Please note that the recognition of credits acquired in previous training courses must be CERTIFIED by the secretariats of the institutions of origin through a specific document drawn up according to the indications of the ministerial circular at the bottom of the page. Therefore, please check the recognition procedures put in place by your institution of origin. The Accademia di Brera fully acknowledges the Certifications of recognition of the other institutions and carries out any secretarial assessments following self-certification.

It should also be remembered that the Final Certification must be issued by the last institution where exams were taken that are useful for obtaining the 24 CFAs.

Registration for single courses requires an amount of € 196.00 for the first course chosen. From the second course onwards, a 30% discount is applied.

The Mav with the amount due will be generated on your online page to be paid by 14/03/2019.

The payment of the Mav is valid as registration and the amount due also includes the stamp duty of € 16.00.

The Government tax of € 72.67, as an enrollment / attendance fee, must be paid by 14/03/2019 to the c.c.p. 1016, headed: Agenzia delle Entrate Centro Operativo di Pescara tasse scolastiche and a stamped copy must be uploaded to your online profile, by entering the payment date within 5 working days.

At the end of the 24CFA course, in case of achievement of the 24 training credits, the Accademia di Brera of Fine Arts will issue the Single Final Certification necessary for participation in the qualifying course, which will certify the achievement of the training objectives, the marks obtained in the exams and the credits. acquired training courses, including credits obtained in previous activities certified by the granting institutions, in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 59/2017, art. 5 c. 1 letter b) and c. 2 letter b).

Credits acquired both in the First and Second Level or in the courses of the Old System are valid.

For those who are still enrolled in academic or university courses, the Single Final Certification as per D.M. 616/17 Art.3 c. 6, may be issued following the achievement of the  Second Level or Master's Degree (qualifications for access to teaching), exclusively by the last institution where the exams valid for the purposes of the 24 CFA will be taken.

It should be noted that the recognition of credits acquired in previous training courses must be carried out by the institutions where they were acquired, through a specific Partial Recognition Certificate. Therefore, please check the recognition procedures put in place by your institution of origin.

The Accademia di Brera fully acknowledges the Certifications of recognition of the other institutions. PLESE NOTE: in the absence of the Partial Recognition Certificate it will not be possible to insert the credits in the Final Single Certification.

For all information on the Route 24CFA and access to teaching, and for the additional inclusion of the courses of the Route 24CFA in the study plans of students enrolled in the diploma courses of the Accademia di Brera: Ph. 02.86955326 from 12.00 to at 13.00 and from 16.00 to 18.00 from Monday to Friday

Mail: Percorso24CFA@accademiadibrera.milano.it

For technical problems regarding access and use of the on-line Secretariat: Ph. 02.86955.1 - from 9.00 to 10.00 and from 13.00 to 14.00 every day except Thursday.

Mail: Segreteria.Didattica@accademiadibrera.milano.it

List of training activities for which recognition can be requested in order to achieve 24 credits

PEDAGOGICAL AREA - Disciplinary sectors of reference: ABST59

  • Pedagogy and didactics of art
  • History of pedagogy
  • Education technology
  • Pedagogy (from artistic Therapeutics)
  • Pedagogy of relationship and educational communication (from artistic Therapeutics)

PSYCHOLOGICAL AREA - Disciplinary sectors of reference: ABST58

  • Theory of perception and psychology of form
  • Psychology of art
  • Psychosociology of cultural consumption
  • Fundamentals of Psychology (from Art Therapeutics)
  • Fundamentals of Psychiatry (from Art Therapeutics)
  • Fundamentals of Child Neuropsychiatry (from Art Therapeutics)

ANTHROPOLOGICAL AREA - Disciplinary sectors of reference: ABST55

  • Cultural anthropology
  • Anthropology of art
  • Anthropology of complex societies
  • Archetypes of the imaginary
  • History of popular religiosity
  • Ethnopsychiatry (from artistic therapy)

SCOPE OF TEACHING METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES - Disciplinary sectors of reference: ABST59

  • Multimedia teaching
  • Didactics for the museum
  • Children's literature and illustration
  • Didactic methodologies of audiovisual languages
  • Didactics of artistic languages
  • Playful-creative animation practices
  • History of pedagogy
  • Education technology

As reported in Annex C of Ministerial Decree 616/2017, in the context of Didactic Methodologies and Technologies it will be possible to request the recognition of some disciplines relating to the following Artistic Disciplinary Sectors:


A specific Commission will collect the requests from time to time and will evaluate the conditions of recognition.

FOR THOSE COMING FROM OTHER INSTITUTIONS, please note that the recognition of credits acquired in previous training courses must be CERTIFIED by the secretariats of the institutions of origin through a special document drawn up according to the indications of the ministerial circular at the bottom of the page. Therefore, please check the specific procedures implemented by your institution. The Accademia di Brera fully acknowledges the Certifications of recognition of the other institutions.


D.Lgs. 13 aprile 2017, n. 59, Riordino, adeguamento e semplificazione del sistema di  formazione iniziale e di accesso nei ruoli di docente  nella  scuola  secondaria per renderlo funzionale alla valorizzazione sociale e culturale della professione, a norma dell'articolo 1, commi 180 e  181,  lettera  b), della legge 13 luglio 2015, n. 107. (17G00067)

L. 30 dicembre 2018, n. 145 (commi dal 792 al 796) Riportante modifiche al D.Lgs. 59/2017

D.M. n. 616 del 10 agosto 2017, Modalità acquisizione dei crediti formativi universitari e accademici di cui all’art. 5 del decreto legislativo 13 aprile 2017 n. 59

Allegati A-B-C del D.M. n. 616/2017

Circolare AFAM PROT. N. 32688 DEL 17-11-2017 - Chiarimenti in merito all'acquisizione dei "24 crediti formativi accademici" di cui
all'art. 5 lettera b) del Decreto Legislativo n. 59/2017 e all'art. 3 del Decreto Ministeriale n. 616/2017


D.M. n. 259 del 9 maggio 2017, Decreto di revisione e aggiornamento della tipologia delle classi di concorso per l’accesso ai ruoli del personale docente della scuola secondaria di primo e secondo grado previste
dal DPR n. 19/2016

DECRETO DEL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA 14 febbraio 2016, n. 19  - Regolamento recante disposizioni per la razionalizzazione ed accorpamento delle classi di concorso a cattedre e a posti di insegnamento, a norma dell'articolo 64, comma 4, lettera a), del decreto-legge 25 giugno 2008, n. 112, convertito, con modificazioni, dalla legge 6 agosto 2008, n. 133.

Required forms

Richiesta di certificazione Finale dei 24CFA

A.A. 2019/2020

Richiesta di attestazione di riconoscimento parziale

A.A. 2019/2020


Orari Semestri 24 CFA

A.A. 2019/2020

CIRCOLARE AFAM PROT. N. 32688 DEL 17-11-2017

MIUR Registro Ufficiale

Autocertificazione Titolo di Studio