Neimand is perfect. A tribute to Al Hansen

Performance Live from students of the Painting of Others course
Friday, March 5 at 4 pm.

Neimand is perfect is a live streaming performance conceived, directed and created by Gabriele Di Matteo together with his students of the Painting of Others course as their final didactic exercise. The course -which was conducted remotely in this year of pandemic- focused on the work of the artist Al Hansen, one of the first and greatest exponents of the Fluxus movement and the pioneer of performance and happening. He also made several assemblages and collages made with everyday waste materials, such as cigarettes, candy wrappers, postcards. What the course has decided to investigate in order to build its "exam performance" are some of the performances where Al Hansen's voice becomes the driving force of all the action. It is not by chance that many of these performances have come to us in the form of sound recorded on vinyl.

The work will be presented in live streaming on YouTube on the 5th of March at 4 pm. The title Neimand is perfect has been suggested by some testimonies of people who have met Al Hansen. In particular, the Neapolitan artist Giulia Piscitelli who was invited to a talk with the students during the course.

Neimand is perfect is divided into three acts, each of them observing a specific performance by the artist.

  1. Joseph Beuys Stuka Divebomber Piece (1987). Here Al Hansen mimics with his voice the downing of the Joseph Beuys’ plane- an episode of special importance in the mythology of the German artist.
  2. Elegy for the Fluxus dead (1987) is reinterpreted as Elegy for the Fluxus alive. The only dead protagonist included in the performance of the students is Fred Herko, an avant-garde dancer from New York who died of an overdose in 1964. From some testimonies received by Bibbe Hansen, daughter of Al Hasen, we learned about enormous esteem and friendship that bound Al Hansen and Fred Herko. Thus, we wanted to pay homage to a relationship that is still little known.
  3. Andy Warhol attentat sound performance (1986). In this last act, the original sound is flanked by a particular optical effect through the darkening of the computer cameras that create a mosaic of windows in which the vibrant rhythm of the screen is marked for the entire duration of the vision of Neimand is perfect.



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