1° Edition - 2020


Promoted by the Regional Council of Calabria, Co.re.com. and the Office of the Guarantor for childhood and adolescence, on the initiative of Co.re.com., “GONFIA LA RETE, VINCI SUL WEB” is an initiative to contribute to an informed use of the Web, and of social media in particularly, and to counteract the phenomena of hate speech (hate speech), fake news (disinformation) and cyber bullying (bullying on the internet).

Participation is free and open to all.

The works to be proposed, which must be received by the 15 of November 2020 in the manner specified in the Competition notice at the bottom of the page and are divided into two sections:

  1. the first reserved for documentaries, commercials, constructed reality (played linked to improvisation and based on a script), comics and docu-comics, all lasting no more than ten minutes, opening and closing credits included;
  2. the second reserved for works with text and music, optionally accompanied by video.

The winners will be given a parchment of merit during a ceremony that will take place at the Regional Council, during which the works will be shown, projected, read or represented. Subsequently, the artistic products will be disseminated in schools and through other media, in order to be known by the widest possible audience.

Competition notice
