
Art Contest Marie Marzloff

Contest theme 2020

Promoted by CESIE, Art and act is an artistic competition inspired by the passions and ideas of Marie Marzloff.
The competition stems from her interest in art, literature and interculturality and from the causes dear to her, gender equality, intercultural dialogue and international cooperation.
It aims to continue the work that Marie has begun to ensure that her ideas and passions last over time.

Contest theme 2020: Community windows.

2020 redesigns, on a global level, the spaces and times of our community life, bringing with it the reflection on connected social changes. The window is our new point of observation, real and metaphorical, on the world around us and on the scenarios that await it, whether they are linked to our local community or to the world-community. Inequalities are accentuated and new perspectives for cooperation and dialogue are glimpsed and seem necessary. We learned to observe the world from a distance and we got closer to ourselves by practicing a strong introspection. The experience of "me without the other" makes us reflect on the sense of community and challenges us to continue building new identities and meanings.

And you, what "community imagery" do you observe from your window?

We ask artists, professionals and non-professionals, students, young people, to send a work that interprets the theme chosen for the 2020 edition.

The works must be able to stimulate reflection and reflect creative ideas that show opportunities and considerations of a conceptual, social and political nature and must be inspired by the theme chosen for this year and the spirit of the competition. Candidates must send an original work. All types of works related to graphic arts are allowed: drawings, illustrations, paintings, digital illustrations, photographs, comics, collages and more. Artistic collectives can also take part in the competition. Each artist or collective can participate by presenting a single work.

The contest is open to people from all over the world, without any age limit. Participation is free.

To participate you must:

  1. fill in the registration form. We remind you that by submitting your work, you accept the terms and conditions of the competition;
  2. upload a digital copy of the work in JPEG format and in high definition (minimum 300 dpi). The file must be named as follows: name_surname.jpg (name and surname of the artist presenting his work);
  3. insert a short text accompanying the work, preferably written in English and not longer than 400 characters;
  4. send the required documentation through the online form by the 1st of October 2020.

The works received will be evaluated taking into account the following aspects:

  • The works presented must be original and unpublished, that is, they must never have been shown previously in other competitions or exhibitions, nor inserted in publications.
  • The work must be in line with the theme and mission of the competition.
  • Entries with a racist background or inciting violence will automatically be excluded.

The members of the International Jury will be announced by the 15th of June 2020.

The winning works will be announced by the 1st of December 2020. The following prizes will be awarded:

  • 1st prize: € 1.000
  • 2nd prize: € 500
  • 3rd prize: € 200

Youth Award

A special award will be set up for works submitted by artists under the age of 211. Furthermore, the winning works can be used for CESIE communication campaigns.

A selection of the works judged to have the greatest impact will be exhibited during an event organized by CESIE. All the works presented, which meet the competition criteria, will be collected in the 2020 catalog of Art and Act.


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