Yesterday Now

Memorial Day 2020
Friday 31st of January 2020, h. 11am

Centro Brera Critica Sociale, Via Formentini 10


Edited by Barbara Nahmad
with the collaboration of Stefano Carluccio and Stefano Pizzi

For the twentieth anniversary of the Memorial Day, the Accademia di Brera is giving its contribution with two events - open to all citizens - scheduled for the 31st of January 2020 at the Centro Brera Critica Sociale, starting at 11am. Of both is curated by Professor Barbara Nahmad with the collaboration of Professor Stefano Pizzi and Stefano Carluccio, The two events will take place in sequence.

The first is a round table that will be attended by the honorable Emanuele Fiano, son of Nedo, survivor of Auschwitz and parliamentarian of the Italian Republic, Stefano Levi Della Torre, essayist and professor at the Politecnico di Milano, Elena Loewenthal, writer and translator and Ruggero Gabbai, cinematographic director. Moderated by Barbara Nahmad. The theme of the round table is among the most important of our present: how to perpetuate the memory of the Holocaust through a method of communication that is not repetitive and that can be accepted by our liquid society as a food for thought? And again: after twenty years of debate, what kind of approach is needed today in order not to empty the Memorial Day of its meaning? These are the questions from which the dialogue with the guests will develop, with particular attention to the need to renew the spirit of the Memorial Day now that the witness is inevitably passing from the survivors to those who do not have a direct memory of those happenings.

The second event, at the end of the round table, will consist of the screening of “Kinderblock.  L’ultimo inganno” by director Ruggero Gabbai. A film focused on the reality of children interned in the camps and on Dr. Mengele's experiments.

h. 11am: round table with interventions by:

On. Emanuele Fiano, son of Nedo, survivor of Auschwitz and parliamentarian of the Italian Republic.

Ruggero Gabbai, cinematographic director of “ Kinderblock. L’ultimo inganno”

Stefano Levi Della Torre, teacher at the Politecnico di Milano, essayist and painter.

h. 12.30am: screening of the film “Kinderblock, L’ultimo inganno”, 2020

Introduction to the film by director Ruggero Gabbai

Press release
