Department of Visual Arts

Two year course

Second Level Sculpture course

The Course is aimed at developing poetics, styles, design methodologies in young artists who already have basic sculpture technologies, in the critical exchange between teachers and students and in relation to contexts, both in traditional exhibition environments as well as further afield to urban spaces.

  • your artistic research in traditional sculpture or in the experimentation of new styles
  • debate and critical reflection on sculpture in the context of contemporary artistic practices
  • an exhibition project with your works to be developed in the didactic context of the School

Core disciplines

Sculpture 1 | Sculpture 2 | Techniques of marble and semi precious stone | Aesthetics of visual arts | History of contemporary art | Planning and design of urban and local interventions | Anthropology of art | Techniques of sculpture | Foundry techniques
| Latest trends in visual arts | Virtual architecture | Decoration | Multi media installations


Advanced and supplementary disciplines

To be chosen by the student
Additional training activities to be chosen amongst the available course and with the inclusion of Seminars-Workshops- Internships, Apprenticeships

Admission is automatic for those students who have graduated from the Accademia di Brera with the First Level Academic Diploma in Sculpture. A motivational interview and an assessment of any previous career and portfolio by the School Commission and on conditional advancement on retaking failed exams if the student:

  • comes from another Accademia
  • comes from other Italian or foreign University faculties
  • comes from a Four year Course (under the former education system)

Future Employment prospects

Senior professional roles in the world of visual arts and related specialist professions, and those connected to the field of aesthetic and artistic activities, as well as in the architecture and urban planning field.

Study plan

Sculpture 2 Level

A.Y. 2023/2024

Consultazioni cambio disciplina

A.A. 2017/2018