Inauguration of the Academic Year 2019/2020

Thursday 23rd of January AULA 10 at 11 am

The Inauguration Ceremony of the Academic Year will take place on Thursday 23rd of January at 11.00 am in the Aula Magna (Aula 10) of the Accademia di Brera.

During the ceremony, introduced by President Livia Pomodoro and Director Giovanni Iovane, two Honoris Causa diplomas will be awarded to Maestro TADASHI SUZUKI and Ambassador VINCENZA LOMONACO.


Livia Pomodoro, President, and Giovanni Iovane, Director, will introduce the Inauguration Ceremony, will take stock of the past year and will illustrate the new paths that Brera intends to pursue.

Awarding of the Diploma Honoris Causa appoints "Honorary Member" of the Accademia di Brera of Fine Arts to Maestro Tadashi Suzuki and Ambassador Vincenza Lomonaco.

Lectio Magistralis Tadashi Suzuki

Maestro Tadashi Suzuki founded and directed the theater company of Toga, a village located in the Toyama region and organized its first international festival. He is also the creator of the Suzuki method and in the course of his career he has played a very important role as artistic director of the Shizuoka Performing Arts Center, as a member of the International Theater Olympics Committee, creator of the BeSeTo Festival (organized jointly with the major theaters in Japan , CHINA and Korea), as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Japan Performing Arts Foundation, a national network that brings together professional theater actors in Japan. He has worked and collaborated with many companies, especially in the USA, Germany, China, Russia and Korea and illustrated his theories in numerous essays. He has taught at The Juilliard School in New York and the Moscow Art Theater. An essay dedicated to him, entitled The Theater of Suzuki Tadashi, is published by Cambridge University Press as part of a series that the Publishing House has dedicated to the greats of contemporary theater.

Lectio Magistralis Vincenza Lomonaco

Ambassador Vincenza Lomonaco has been Permanent Representative of the Italian Republic at the United Nations Agencies in Rome since 24th of April 2019. Previously, from September 2013 to September 2018, she was Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Italian Republic to UNESCO (in April 2017 she was elected President of the Culture Commission of the 39th General Conference for 2017-2019). He also held the position of Director for the promotion of Italian culture and language at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as Deputy Director General of the General Directorate of the Country System (December 2010 - September 2013).

Invitation AY 2019/2020

Giovanni Iovane and creativity

Invitation of the Director Giovanni Iovane to the opening of the Academic Year


Relive the inauguration event

A short video to relive the event day dedicated to the inauguration of the Academic Year 2019/2020 of the Accademia di Brera

