Artemisia Gentileschi. The Artist in Italy.

A reasoned guide to works in museums, churches, galleries and art collections in Italy

Presentation of the guide by Raoul Melotto

The debate on art does not stop and continues to solicit meetings even in lockdown, so the Accademia di Brera, where the remote teaching activity has now started at full speed, now uses its virtual classrooms to propose comparisons and multi-voiced discussions. On Wednesday 13th of May at 11.00 the Two years courses of Decoration will host the writer Raoul Melotto will present to the students his book dedicated to Artemisia Gentileschi, a guide of the places where to see the artist's works in real life, but also a critical and emotional itinerary among the chiaroscuro of the Seventeenth century, a century that reveals unexpected affinities with the contemporary age. After having dealt with the figures of Caravaggio and Bernini in his previous books, Melotto offers a carefully documented focus on the well-known private events that marked the life of the painter, weaving a dense web of correlations with the fundamental themes of the culture of her time.

The personality and career of Artemisia, an established painter and independent woman, will therefore be the starting point for a reflection on the role of painting, on the relationship with the client and with architectural spaces, but will also offer the opportunity to think about the importance of a updated reinterpretation of the great themes of the art of the past. Introduced by professors Maria Cristiana Fioretti, director of the School of Decoration, and Sergio Nannicola, coordinator of the Two years courses. The artist Marco Pellizzola and Valeria Tassinari, art historian and professor of History of Decoration in Brera, will talk with the author. All participants will be invited to interact with the speakers through the online platform.

They talk with Raoul Melotto:
Sergio Nannicola, Maria Cristiana Fioretti, Valeria Tassinari, Marco Pellizzola

Wednesday 13th of May - h. 11.00
AULA 48 in connection on Google Meet Classroom of the Two year course of Decoration of Brera


Edited by Sergio Nannicola - Maria Cristiana Fioretti

Two years course of Decoration

Press release
