
Qualifying Courses

Qualifying Courses COBASLID Two-year Courses of Second Level with Didactic Address

The Second Level Qualifying Biennial Courses with Didactic Address (COBASLID), are an educational structure, established in application of the Ministerial Decree of 7th of October 2004 n. 82, of the provisions in force and of the rules governing the second level two-year courses for teaching.

The COBASLID of the Accademia di Brera is made up of the "Art and Design" course, which includes a plurality of qualifying courses corresponding to the competition classes most present in secondary schools, according to the current school system.

It is the training objective of the COBASLID to promote and develop the attitudes and skills that characterize the professional profile of the secondary school teacher in the artistic-visual sectors, in light of the complex needs required by the performance of his institutional functions.

The COBASLID course of studies lasts two years. Each year is divided into two semesters, for a total of no less than 1600 hours, of which:

  • at least 90 hours dedicated to the psycho-pedagogical area, carried out, in order to ensure the contribution of specific skills, in collaboration with the universities;
  • at least 400 hours dedicated to theory and design in the artistic disciplines;
  • at least 250 hours dedicated to in-depth workshops;
  • at least 300 hours dedicated to guided practical internship activities at different types of educational institutions under the supervision of tenured secondary school teachers, used in accordance with the new ministerial provisions.

The overall commitment required of the student, including study and individual preparation activities, corresponds to 120 credits, distributed among the various activities.

At the end of the study course, and after a state exam, a second level diploma is issued which enables teaching for the corresponding classes.

The final state exam has the value of a competitive examination for the purposes of inclusion in the permanent rankings provided for by art. 401 of the D.L. 16/4/1994 and by the Ministerial Decree n.82 of 7.10.2004, and consists in the discussion of an original thesis, written by the candidate, to which a mark expressed in thirty is attributed. The candidate who reaches a grade of at least 18/30 passes the exam. The overall qualification grade is expressed in sixtieths and is given by the admission grade plus the final exam grade.

For subsequent years, up to the A.Y. 08-09, with the relative Directorial Decree 10th of October 2008 n. 214 to which the start of the last COBASLID course refers, the two-year courses were held regularly, which ended with the final qualifications with effect from A.Y.09-10.

To collect the certificates, the request must be made at least 7 days in advance, and it is possible to collect them in the morning from 10.00 to 12.00 in via Brera 28, at the Management Secretariat.
