Registration Procedure for the Entrance test to the School of Nude Art and the School of Craftsmen

A.Y. 20-21

For the A.A. 2020-2021 the aspiring candidate must comply with the following institutional procedure.

First of all, he / she will have to register (new student registration) and then pre-enrollment for the admission test.

Extraordinary for this year, candidates will not have to take any test, and at the end of the pre-enrollment period, all will be admitted ex officio in order to then proceed with the enrollment for 1 year.

Pre-registration times from the 4th of August 2020 to the 3rd of September 2020

The course does not issue any certification and can be attended for a maximum of five years.
The courses do not require attendance.

Registrations for the first year are open from the 9th of September 2020 to the 5th of October 2020.


Students must submit the documentation listed below following the online procedure from their own online profile, uploading the necessary document for the relevant item

  • Registration application form printed from online profile on the online Secretariat and including a photograph
  • Receipt of payment of government taxes € 102.93 (using postal money order, account 1016)
  • Health and Safety regulations form (at foot of the page)

Registrations for the following years are open from the 4th of August to the 5th of October 2020 and are made only online.


Students must submit the following documentation using the online procedure from their online profile, uploading the related document for each item

  • Receipt of payment of government taxes € 72.67 (using postal money order, 1016)
  • Health and Safety regulations form (at foot of the page)


To students who have taken on the A.Y. 19-20 in health emergency is granted, if they wish, to exceptionally enroll in a sixth year.


Calendar of entrance exams

A.A. 19-20