University Accommodation and Canteen

Services reserved only for scholarship holders

The canteen service is reserved for those Eligible students or the Awardees of regional scholarships, , who are entitled to a free daily meal from January to December (excluding August).  

There is no specific application form for this service. Those students deemed eligible or those awarded with scholarships automatically obtain the service. In order to take advantage of the canteen service, the Eligible student or the Scholarship Awardee must have the right badge, which, for first time users and first year students can be collected from the Right to University Education office during public opening times , after the publication of the definitive ranking in December and after having received communication by e-mail from the Student support office.

Students must present themselves at the Office with a valid, current EU identity document (Identity Card, Passport, driving licence) and their student’s record book.

The badge can be used in any of the affiliated canteen points as listed in the PDF at the bottom of the page.

The canteen badge is re-issued free of charge only to those students who detect its malfunction (the old badge must be handed back into the office). In the event that a student loses the badge or the badge is stolen, he or she is required to pay 5 Euro to the bank account indicated in the document at the bottom of the page in order to obtain a new one (the document also includes details on badge consignment).

Reimbursement of the canteen service , be it annual or partial, is allowed only in the case of food intolerances/allergies ,which must be verified by specialists, participation in the Erasmus programme or in the absence of affiliated canteen service points in proximity to the study location (Restoration students who attend the courses in Arcore). The request must be submitted by the 31st of January for the current academic year (students can find the form at the bottom of the page).

For more information on guidelines and regulations students can consult the announcement of the current Academic Year

The accommodation service and/or the Non-Residing student status can be attributed to two types of students: those who have their family of origin residing abroad (family of origin residing abroad with a foreign sourced income) and those (Italian or foreign students) who have their family of origin in Italy, with an Italian/foreign sourced income, but do not reside in one of the municipalities indicated as a Commuting Student in the attached PDF document at the bottom of the page.

The attribution of Non-Residing student status is automatic only for the first type of students described above (family of origin residing abroad with a foreign sourced income).The second type (family of origin residing in Italy with an Italian sourced income), in order to be assured the Non-Residing student status, students can opt for one of the following actions: submit a rent contract as indicated in the Announcement or apply for accommodation and be awarded it (therefore it is not simply by applying for accommodation that Non-Residing student status is obtained, a student must also be awarded accommodation. Those students deemed Eligible for the service in the definitive December Accommodation ranking, in order to obtain the Non-Residing student status must submit a rent contract within the deadlines set out in the Announcement. Failure to do so will result in the student keeping Commuting student status).

In other words if the student manages to obtain the monetary amount to supplement funds, he or she will receive it as a Commuting student and not as a Non-residing one. In order to request the Accommodation service, those afore-mentioned categories of students must make a specific request in the section dedicated to online scholarship applications, according to the criteria and deadlines set out in the Announcement. It is not possible to obtain the service if a student is deemed Not Eligible in the definitive December ranking, but it is possible to be awarded accommodation even if a student is deemed eligible only in the scholarship ranking (for further details consult the Announcement).

A student holding a rent contract is not entitled to also submit a request for university accommodation.Therefore any student who requests the accommodation service and subsequently submits a rent contract before the publication of a ranking (provisional or definitive) will be deemed Not Eligible in the ranking for incompatibility reasons (awarded accommodation service and Non-residing student status), but will be able to obtain Non- Residing Student status in the Scholarship ranking if the rent contract meets the criteria set out in the Announcement. In this case, if the student is deemed Eligible in the scholarship ranking, the awarding of Non-Residing student status will not entitle the student to obtain any contribution for private accommodation. If, however, the student is an Awardee in the same ranking then he or she will receive an annual amount specifically for this category of student (Non-residing with private accommodation) which can be consulted in the Announcement.

For those students Awarded with university accommodation the Accademia di Belle Arti has:

Number of sleeping places: 42 Type of room: Double with en-suite bathroom facilities (20, equivalent to 40 sleeping places) and single with en-suite bathroom facilities (2- only upon request for students with health issues); students: male and female (mixed rooms possible upon request); common areas: kitchen, study rooms, laundromat, self service bar, gym, hobby area, park. Services included in accommodation: wi-fi, weekly change of bed linen, concierge services, utilities. Closed in August.

Students who were awarded with accommodation in the previous academic year (with reference to the current one) do not have any precedence.

Only those students deemed AWARDEES in the Accommodation ranking will be awarded the service. If they are deemed ELIGIBLE they have not been awarded the service and they are neither entitled to a refund or a grant to find private accommodation. The awardees are not obliged to accept the accommodation and to waiver their right to the award they should use the attached PDF form at the bottom of the page (within 5 days of the publication of the  definitive ranking. If they fail do so they forfeit their right to accommodation). These students will neither be given Non-Residing student status, unless they submit a rent contract, nor will they receive grants or reimbursements for any accommodation found privately. If, on the other hand, they want to accept the award, they must submit the request in PDF available at the bottom of the page, within 5 working day a of the publication of the definitive ranking (in this way they will be given Non-Residing student status which will be visible in the first update in May). If they want to waiver their right to the service after initially accepting it (whether they have actually used the service or not) they must submit the relative form, in PDF, found at the bottom of the page Students are required to comply to the regulations as set set out in the Announcement for this specific case.
Moreover, it may be possible for a student to obtain accommodation during the year, due to the waiver of the awardee. In this case it is also possible to accept the accommodation within the time frame indicated by the Office in the communication which will be sent by email and by phone. Students must submit the form which is accessible in pdf at the bottom of the page during the publication periods.


For further information regarding the regulations relating to the service and the formation of the ranking (which is separate from the Scholarship ranking, even if a student deemed not eligible in the scholarship ranking can not be deemed Eligible or an Awardee in the Accommodation ranking) students can consult the Announcement of the current Academic Year.


Request for reimbursement of the catering fee A.Y 19-20

Accommodation acceptance during the Academic Year A.Y. 19-20

Accommodation acceptance cancellation after final ranking A.Y. 19-20


Affiliated canteen points A.Y. 19-20

Updated on 22/09/2020

Loss / Theft Canteen card A.Y. 19-20

Commuting Student of office A.Y. 19-20