Fees, taxes and financial contributions for the Preparatory Course

The Preparatory Course is an internal training course only for the Schools of Painting-Sculpture-Graphics-Decoration-Scenic Design and Artistic Planning and Design for Business combined with the School of Craftsmen and the School of Nude Art. It lasts one year and aims to prepare the students for the entrance exams to those afore-mentioned Schools.

The Preparatory Course can also be taken by those candidates admitted to First and Second Level Academic Courses with conditional “catch up courses/exams” to take as provided by article 8/1, paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Accademia’s Didactic Regulation.

Attendance, registering more than 80% of the number of hours and passing the final exam will lead to a settled educational situation, that is to say all catch up courses/exams are null.

Enrollment for the preparatory course takes place from the 01/09/2020 to 05/10/2020.
Students are required to send a scanned copy of the following documents to: iscrizioni3@accademiadibrera.milano.it or segreteria.didattica@accademiadibrera.milano.it

  • Enrollment application form (to be downloaded from the forms section) including a photo and a € 16.00 revenue stamp
  • Self certification of study qualification (at foot fo the page)
  • Valid identification document
  • Fiscal code
  • Receipt of payment of the annual registration fee: € 1,003.00 to be paid to Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera Banca Popolare di Sondrio - IBAN: IT 78O 056 9601 6000 0000 1500 X78


Self certification of study qualification

Word Document

Self certification of study qualification

PDF Document